‘Close the Glass Loop’ is an industry platform, initiated by FEVE -the EU federation of container glass producers- to unite the glass collection and recycling value chain, and to establish a material stewardship programme that will result in more bottle-to-bottle recycling. By joining forces through ‘Close The Glass Loop’, we aim to increase the quantity and quality of available recycled glass for the bottle-to-bottle production. This is a major added value for the environment, for the society and for our business model.The double-fold objective is to achieve a 90% collection rate of used glass packaging in the EU by 2030 (up from the current average of 76%), and a better quality of recycled glass to ensure that recycled content can be used in a new production loop. Today 24% of used glass bottles and jars are not yet collected and the industry wants to capture this main resource.
Added value
- Once made, glass can be recycled infinitely in a bottle-to-bottle loop.
- Glass never loses its intrinsic properties – it is a permanent material which entirely preserves the quality and taste of products, no matter how many times it is recycled.
- Every tonne of recycled glass saves 1.2 tonnes of virgin raw materials, with a 2.5% energy reduction for each 10% of glass recycled in the furnace and a 5% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And we avoid creating waste.
- We can improve the performance of our Circular Economy Business Model and progress on new EU 2030 recycling targets, as well as on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, achieving sustainable growth opportunities in the Circular Economy
The main challenges are to ensure that:
- All stakeholders along the value chain appreciate the added value of the initiative and agree to support and to collaborate.
- Necessary resources are allocated to:
- Promote selective collection of glass packaging to increase the quantity & quality of untreated glass cullet.
- Optimise and develop sorting and treatment systems to increase yields, even from poor collection systems, and generate more furnace-ready glass cullet.
- Exchange of knowledge and best practice in collection, sorting and treatment systems between countries.
- FEVE- the Federation of European manufacturers of glass containers
- FERVER-the association of glass recycling companies in Europe
- EXPRA- the Extended Producer responsibility Alliance
- PROSPA- the Producer Responsibility Organisation Packaging Alliance
Partnership is open to all the Glass Loop stakeholders such as:
- Food and Drink industry sectors
- Brands, retailers, consumers associations
- Municipalities, cities and local authorities
- Distributors
- Recyclers and waste managers